

Tanja Slijepcevic describes the difference between traditional and self publishing and why you might choose one over the other.

Tanja is the Publisher at BeTimes Books, a not for profit publisher in Ireland. She is also Operations Manager at BooksGoSocial and a co-founder of this festival. 

Ann Richardson is a writer of creative non-fiction. Her most recent book, The Granny Who Stands on her Head, is about why she likes growing older. She started writing on Substack in late 2022 and finds it good fun.

This talk is intended for people with no knowledge of Substack. You may have heard that Substack is a platform for writers, but never really understood what it is. This video explains what it is in simple terms, why you might want to try it and how to get started.

Melissa Rea - talking about how she came to write and giving a bit of advice that might help other writers on this journey of pleasure and pain we call writing. 

Melissa Rea is an American writer, author of Conjuring Casanova (2016) - Recommended Indie Book by Kirkus Review and Nights of Alice Book I, Rabbithole (2021). 

Kathleen Kelley Reardon - decided to create audio books for her two crime mysteries, Shadow Campus and Damned If She Does, she turned to local, West Cork talent. In this video, we see what was learned during that process by the performers: Karen Minihan for Shadow Campus; Brendan Conroy and Camilla Griehsel for Damned If She Does. The latter was done during Covid lockdown in Ireland and was released by Audible and on iTunes in 2021. 

Kathleen Kelley Reardon, professor, writer and artist, has published ten nonfiction books and two crime mysteries. Professor of business and communication, she has published in journals, magazines, and was a signature front-page blogger with Huffington Post (2005-2016.) 

Chris Rush - discusses one of his books, The Legend of Loftus Hall, which helped catapult him internationally and greatly develop his writing career. Chris also outlines the topic and process of his next title - Within Their Screams. 

Chris Rush's first book, Folklore, became an international best seller, and was followed by the hugely successful All Shall Suffer. Chris’ latest book Folklore: The Second Tale is available now. 

Richard Bradburn - professional editor and literary consultant will speak about How to Self-Edit. 

Peter Miller - the ‘Literary Lion’, literary agent and President and CEO of Florida-based Global Lion Intellectual Property Management (formerly PMA Literary & Film Management Inc. of New York). will talk about “How to Sell Your Book to a U.S. Literary Agent.” 

Ivan O’Brien - Publisher at O’Brien Press. O’Brien Press is Ireland’s leading independent publishing house with over 1000 books published, many of which have gone on to international success. Ivan will talk about “How to Get An Irish Publisher to Publish Your Book”. 

Andréa Fehsenfeld - talks about “Adaptation 101. Does your novel have the potential for TV?” 

Andréa Fehsenfeld is an award-winning author and TV producer with experience developing and delivering over 200 projects for Fortune 500 companies, major networks and global advertising agencies. Her second novel, A Rainbow Like You, was named a “Best Book of 2020” five weeks after publication. 

Binnur Karaevli - will talk about “The challenges of adapting books to TV and Film: From Page to Screen”. Binnur will discuss the importance of preserving the “spirit” of the source material as opposed to literal adaptation and the steps involved in the adaptation process. Binnur is a writer, producer and director who has produced series for Netflix among others. 

Matt Knight - intellectual property lawyer, fiction writer, and author, will talk about copyright, one of the most important legal concepts a writer should understand. It protects creative works from exploitation by others without permission or fair compensation. This tutorial covers twelve basic facts about copyright law to help writers understand this form of intellectual property and the protection it provides. 

Fern Reiss - talks about “The Nine Secrets of Successful Self-Publishing. 

Fern Reiss is the author of nine award-winning books, including “The Publishing Game: Publish a Book in 30 Days”“The Publishing Game: Find an Agent in 30 Days” and “The Publishing Game: Bestseller in 30 Days” all Writer’s Digest Book Club selections. She just self-published two new books, “CoronaVirus and Kids” and “The Family Guide to Quarantine” that could only have been published this quickly via self publishing. Her books and business have been profiled in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine and over 100 other publications worldwide; getting authors and businesses this sort of media attention is the skill she teaches at Fern keynotes writing and publishing conferences worldwide. 

Marguerite Tonery - is the founder of Tribes Press. Marguerite wrote five books, the first three of which she self-published before establishing Tribes Press. Marguerite will speak about self-publishing. 

Iñaki Arbilla - talks about “The Self-Publishing Process” (In Spanish with English subtitles). 

Having a Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication, Iñaki Arbilla worked in different agencies and media. With an early literary vocation, he has won different short stories and script contests. The thriller “Berdi” (2015) is set in the economical crisis from 2007 and the Basque conflict. In 2017 he published “La Isla y la Mandrágora (poemas en amor)”, a seleccion of 63 love poems written for over two decades to whom is his wife today. In 2019 he launched “La maldición de los años pares. Diarios 2018”, some diaries with an almost prophetic title written during that same year. He is writing a fantastic novel, part of a trilogy and he continues with his most ambitious project a documentary movie called: “SANdEDRO”. The story of San Pedro, a town from Pamplona

Terry Ward Tucker - discusses the pros and cons “On Choosing to Write to the Market”. 

C. S. Lakin - Learn how to do in-depth targeted revision to tighten your manuscript, based on the 8 essentials needed to write a commercially successful novel, a method developed by author and writing coach C. S. Lakin. This video shows how she would edit and revise the opening to Dan Brown's best seller Angels and Demons (and explains what works and what doesn't). 

C. S. Lakin is the award-winning author of thirty books and blogger at Live Write Thrive, a top-ten site for writers. She works as a copyeditor and writing coach in the book publishing industry, specializing in manuscript critiques. Her writing craft book series, The Writer's Toolbox, teaches aspiring and experienced novelists how to write terrific stories. She loves nothing more than to help writers craft stellar novels and experience success and joy in their writing journey.

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